
The Weekly Recap

A solid week.  Well half solid.  One of goals for this week included waking up and doing Endurance WODs, and that was a complete flop.  I woke up early enough to go on Monday, but simple didn’t have the gumption or resolve.  And then came the 2 days of sick which broke the back of this goal. 

The second goal was to eat 80/20 paleo. A success noticeable by the drop in weight, and the rise of energy levels.  I had some none paleo snacks (chocolate) on Monday and had some beer Friday.  Finally today I had some chocolate and some potato chips with lunch.  Besides that the rest of the food I ate this week was paleo.  Well as paleo as I am willing to go right now.  I am still eating cheese.

As far as working out, today is a rest day.  The next couple of day is going


Weight: 202.2

2010.11.22.2 0022010.11.22.2 003

Goals for Next Week
  • Kepp going with 80/20 Paleo
  • Add at least 2 endurance morning WODs.  (Maybe this week?  Tuesday?)

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