Completed Wod:
2 Rounds
- 10 Power Snatches @65lb
- 20 Kettlebell Swings @20lb
- 30 Box Jumps
Completed Wod:
2 Rounds
- 10 Power Snatches @65lb
- 20 Kettlebell Swings @20lb
- 30 Box Jumps
So for the past 2 days my room mate and I have been playing a massive game of A&A and therefore the diet and working out have taken a bit of a toll. It is hard to eat well when you spend the entire day sitting around looking over a board. And even harder to muster motivation to work out. We will be continuing the game shortly, but today I did squeeze in quick workout. That isn’t to say this workout didn’t kick my ass.
My diet has been pretty poor, but it should be looking up as the week progresses.
Completed WOD:
Death By Clean & Jerk @95lb (Got though 7 1/2 rounds)
4 Round
- 100m Run
- 10 Squats
Elm City Crossfit, the gym I follow for most of the workout had a very special workout today. It was the birthday of the daughter of one of the coaches and since her name matches one of the crossfit ladies. Well today was Annabel.
On side note my diet needed a bit of tiding up. With thanks giving this week, keeping paleo was pretty hard. Although as of today for lunch I think I am back into the diet.
Completed WOD:
600m Run (scaled from 800)
- Deadlift @155 (scaled from 200/ bodyweight)
- Box jumps
- Pull ups
600m Run
Well after Monday and Tuesday I needed a rest day, and took one with a full intention to work out on Thursday before going to the family dinner. Well my dedication to workout is apparently not as strong as I had hoped. Thursday was a flop.
I did muster the gumption for this morning and a hell of a work out it was. My back is defiantly feeling the “pain” today.
Completed WOD:
21, 15, 9
- Deadlift @ 145
- Hand Stand Push Up (modified to pike)
Yesterday, Willies and I did the Zombie fit warm up with puts a hurting on you if you aren’t used to it.
3 Times
- 10 pull ups
- 10 push ups
- 10 Squats
This didn’t make todays work out pleasant. The 30 of pull ups from Yesterday made Fran hell today.
Completed WOD:
21, 15 , 9
- Squat Thrusters @45
- Pullups
The biggest problem with the home gym is the very regular workout on your own. Dom, who is now my room mate comes out and works out every now and then, but my solid push for working out as much as possible leaves me with a gap and a lot of lonely workouts.
Willies, is the most motivating person I know. It is his direct influence which slowed down my fall from fitness over the summer and created a solid base for the home gym. Following ZombieFit over the summer turned out to be lot of fun and since willies and I were fairly close in our levels of fitness it became very competitive.
Well Willies dropped by and work out today. Sadly I have been un able to get willies to work with weight, but working out together made the work out go by quickly, event the full length ZombieFit warm-up. Hopefully we will be by more often.
Completed WOD
A solid week. Well half solid. One of goals for this week included waking up and doing Endurance WODs, and that was a complete flop. I woke up early enough to go on Monday, but simple didn’t have the gumption or resolve. And then came the 2 days of sick which broke the back of this goal.
The second goal was to eat 80/20 paleo. A success noticeable by the drop in weight, and the rise of energy levels. I had some none paleo snacks (chocolate) on Monday and had some beer Friday. Finally today I had some chocolate and some potato chips with lunch. Besides that the rest of the food I ate this week was paleo. Well as paleo as I am willing to go right now. I am still eating cheese.
As far as working out, today is a rest day. The next couple of day is going
Weight: 202.2
Elm City Crossfit was closed today, and therefore there was no posted WOD. In turn I found it very difficult to work out today, Oh I know there are plenty of other workouts to pick from.
But that required some motivation which I was clearly lacking this afternoon. I eventually settled on doing a custom WOD, which actually changed mid way though the set when I realized I didn’t have the endurance I thought I had. The original work out was 4 x 100 m Overhead Walking Lunge, this turned to 50s. But to cover my slack, I added some sprints to the end. A little ZombieFit influence.
Even though I have not posted much this week, I have been pretty on point with my diet and have only had 2 cheat meals. Well, Monday I had some left chocolate with my paleo lunch, that was my first cheat, and last night after a paleo dinner, I found myself drinking a couple of beers at a barn dance. So two minor cheats, and the weight shows as I have almost gotten back under 200.
Completed WOD:
4 Rounds
4x 100m Sprints, walk back for rest.
Didn’t work out the last two days because of being sick, but today even though the remnants of the cold are still with me it was time to step it up and work out.
The good news is that even though I have missed the last two days of because of being sick, I didn’t sacrifice my diet this week yet. While I might be eating a lot, all the food has been pretty paleo.
Completed WOD:
7 Round For Time (time not recorded)
- 7 Push Press @ 95lb
- 10 Burpees
Backlog entry for a missing post
Completed WOD:
15 min As Many Reps As Possible
- 20 Thrusters @45lb
- 200m Run
I got home and feeling sore and sorry for myself I tried to talk myself out of todays WOD. The 150 or so burpees total didn’t appeal to me at all, I was kind of scared. And then the overhead squats. Something I am not ready for.
It wasn’t even that cold out today, and there is a spring in my step for keeping up with the plan.
On the bright side, I eat pretty paleo all days. Some bacon eggs and grapefruit for breakfast. Moms meat cakes (almost paleo) with avocado greens and tomatoes. Dinner I had some salmon, avocado and cucumber.
Completed WOD:
Got lazy and failed to post yesterday, however I did WOD.
Today: WOD
12 min AMRAP
- 400m run
- 5 Deadlifts @ 155
I didn’t think I could pull it off but I worked out 6 time this past week. Which was the goal. I am sore as hell, but the spirit is strong.
Weight: 211.8
So barefoot running right? This is what this blog is supposed to be all about, and all I am talking about is how much weight I am putting up or how many pushups are kicking my ass. Well I am still barefooting it, the pussy way of barefooting it in the Vibrum Five Finger, but “barefooting” it anyways.
Today I took a break from the Crossfit workouts and went for a Crossfit Endurance workout. In other words speed. The workout was a Tabata Mile, which is: run for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds until you cover the full distance of a mile (this is sprint every time). Running barefoot requires that you reteach yourself to run, and what better time then now. The short sprints give a perfect place to practice proper form while the sets tire you out the short rest lets you take control of your faculties and force proper form though those last sets.
Over all today was a pretty great workout, and I am pretty happy with a 9:18 on the workout. Leaving me with an average pace of 6:18 on the workout, faster then my fastest mile time during my running days 2 years ago. I would have liked it to be under 6 as this should be your mile goal pace.
For the future, it would be nice to get an endurance WOD in before work and then bust out a crossfit WOD at night. This might be a worthy goal for at least one day next week. Anyways off to a dinner party (I haven’t quite worked out the diet yet; another thing to work on next week)
Tomorrow I will be WODing it up with a friend up in Stores CT, hopefully I can hold my own against her.
“Laura Demarco closes her eyes and waits for the 3, 2, 1, GO.
What goes through your mind moments before a WOD?” - Facebook Crossfit
I came across that post earlier in the day and wondered what, if anything, goes through my mind before I WOD. Something I realized I never really took notice of. And even today with the thought going though my mind most of the day, at the moment the clock started, my mind was blank.
Before most workouts I usually think:
Clearly, I am not thinking anything good before I WOD.
After a WOD I have nothing but good thoughts:
The pre thoughts don’t look good for the lifestyle change that I am planning, but there is hope as the closest to a thought that I can muster to go though my mind is “Time to push thru”
Completed WOD:
3x (3min AMRAP on: 1 min off)
- 7 Push press
- 5 HP Clean
- 3 SLDL
Started with 95lb, but after the first 3 minutes I dropped the weight to 65lb
As is well known, the key to a healthy life is not some magic pill or the latest “hand-job improving” shake weight, it is a healthy lifestyle filled with regular exercise and nutrient heavy food. Which is the reason so many people have a problem with their health. It is hard to wake up every day and go running or swimming or come home from work and hit the gym on the way. Pushing through every day where you are just a bit too sore to be excited about the next set of squats you have to do.
For me, staying healthy comes down to one basic principal. Are the behaviors required for my well being habitual? Do I get home and rush out to my back yard to do the days WOD? Do i look for a snack around the house and look for chips or do i look for some fruit? Do I wake up and do a morning stretch routine? Currently, the answer to all those questions is no. But pushing though this first month will hopefully turn that around.
The I am pushing 200 is a strong reminder to get my ass in gear and work out. It is also a strong call to get my diet under control. At 27 it is about time i add some good habits to my life.
Yesterdays Workout: 6 Rounds of
There will be no timing on the workouts for now. I know it will only make me sad.
Today went a bit better then expected. As the weather is getting colder, the will to train goes away. I have to go outside in that weather? Uhh.
I remember when I was a kid, I wanted to go play out in the snow and the rain and any other weather inbetween as long as I was playing in it. The parents would always through out some reason why it is bad and why they don’t want to go outside. Always telling me that I will understand when I am older why they care about the weather so much.
But alas I have come to a realization it isn’t age that keeps us from having fun in any weather, I is laziness. I am too lazy to go work out, so I will cling to the first excuse, it is cold out side, it is wet outside, it is dark outside. Well good day I say on to you excuse.
Today completed an Elm City Crossfit WOD:
no sell out for me thank you.
I didn’t time myself, but it did take forever, none the less I had picked the weight I was picked and I stuck it out. Splitting it up into sets of 2 deadlift at a time for the last several sets. Over all I am pretty happy with the workout and the post workout feeling.
Dinner Time
Well, any one who has ever flip-flopped between working out and being lazy knows the pain we go through on the way to being in shape. Yesterday I resumed my struggle with weight control by starting my first workout in a couple of weeks. Today i am paying for my lack of fitness.
The workout called for 3 rounds of
I completed round of:
To say the least, i am embraced in my inability to exercise. Hopefully today looks a bit better. Yay dead lifts.
I don’t know what causes me to go thought these cycles, but alas, last week I was at 200lb. The alarms go off at this weight. Again, the goal is almost 30lb away.
I blame part of this on the bachelor life style. MY room mate moved out and my work out partner became busy with his work. Between the two, I lost all incentive to work out and eat healthy. I find it much easier to stay with a work out plan when there is a support group behind you.
Well. Tomorrow my new room mate moves in. Over the past couple of month he has been on track to getting into better shape by eating healthy and working out. Hopefully this will be the turn around I need.
So the plan:
This weekend, is the move the the LAN party so the diet and exercise is waiting till Monday. I know this is a ambitious outline, but it needs to be done. The 200lb alarm bell sounds pretty loud in my head.
A nightly update with the log of all the work will be posted here.