Well, last week was mostly a flop. With a minor workout on Sunday, I basically didn’t work out at all. Monday, my workout consisted of an hour and a half of chopping ice in my drive way, but this morning I managed to drag my sorry ass out of bed for a bit of a work out before class.
On the positive side of things, I have been doing really well with keeping simple carbs out of me. With some carbs coming from fruits, I have been nursing my addiction to sugars, but it has been 4 days now that I have been eating clean. So this morning I decided to do a bit of an un-scientific test. Repeat last Mondays workout and compare the times. Since I haven’t really worked out this past week I wouldn’t expect a huge difference unless the diet in some way has helped with that. Well with a time of 9:41 last week, blew it way with a 7:02 this morning.
Not very scientific, but I would say eating clean is working.
Completed WOD (7:02)
4 Rounds for time
- 10 Deadlift @125
- 10 Ring pushups