Well, the new years resolution is looking pretty grim right now. I haven’t really worked out much at all this month, a work out here or there and the few paleo meals I have managed to consume have come at the heavy cost of burgers and hot dogs for lunch. “Paleo Bill’s” as my boss calls it in jest. But the one nice thing about making a new year resolution, even if you try and fail you don’t have to stop trying, you have a full year to kick yourself in shape.
It starts again today.
Kicking around the idea that some of the elm city CrossFit workouts are just way to tough for me in my current lack of shape, I decided to start at the beginning. September 13, 2009 to be exact. It was the second day that Elm City CrossFit was open. Here the training began for every one.
In the spirit of crossfit, I will no start to record all my workouts times, give myself something to work against.
Kel-len - Kelly and Helen mashed together
4RFT30- box jumps (Substitute tuck jumps)21-1.5 pood KB Swing (Substitute @ 20lb)30-wall ball shots (Substitute thrusters with 25lb plate )Run 400m
Honestly, I changed the workout because I didn’t want to run today. My knee has been feeling strange on squats so running might not be the best idea. But then I started thinking, how knows better then I what I need to get into the shape I want to be in. Every workout I will be doing will have to be modified with a scaled weight or exercise, is this really how I should work out? I am going to try and make my own workouts for a little while. Almost like a test of my understanding of CrossFit.
Getting back into the swing of things I need to make sure I am keeping myself from getting injured. This means stability, this means rings as much as I can get them in. Working up to doing more pushups and actually being able to dips on the rings.
Furthermore, in 2 month I will be running a 10k race, so a major focus of my training for the next 2 month is getting into running shape. That means a focus on legs and core.
WOD 1 (9:41)
4 Rounds for time
- 10 Deadlift @125
- 10 Ring pushups