Completed WOD
100 x Bench Press @75
100 x Bench Press @75
Sunday, I completed the first zombie fit since the summer, and it lead me to think about the way I plan on getting back into fitness. My lack of shape in leave most crossfit workouts out of my league, and with the addition of my room mate into the work out plan, zombie fit workouts seem to make the most sense.
Zombiefit workout however lack and element of strength training, and I am going to supplement that with a short 10 – 15 minute strength section on each work out.
Completed WOD
- 5x Deadlift (215#)
5 Rounds for Time (7:35)
- 15 Lunges (Each leg)
- 5 Burpees
Cool Down
- 5 100M Sprints w/ rest walking back
I had forgotten how great these workouts are. Perfect for anyone starting back on the journey to fitness.
Completed WOD (16:56)
Diet has been clean for at least a week now, with what I would say is about as close as possible 100%. Partly thanks to the support of reddit 90 day goal group. Waking up in the morning, seeing their faithful posts of daily goals and small successes give me the push to eat well, and today work out.
Well, last week was mostly a flop. With a minor workout on Sunday, I basically didn’t work out at all. Monday, my workout consisted of an hour and a half of chopping ice in my drive way, but this morning I managed to drag my sorry ass out of bed for a bit of a work out before class.
On the positive side of things, I have been doing really well with keeping simple carbs out of me. With some carbs coming from fruits, I have been nursing my addiction to sugars, but it has been 4 days now that I have been eating clean. So this morning I decided to do a bit of an un-scientific test. Repeat last Mondays workout and compare the times. Since I haven’t really worked out this past week I wouldn’t expect a huge difference unless the diet in some way has helped with that. Well with a time of 9:41 last week, blew it way with a 7:02 this morning.
Not very scientific, but I would say eating clean is working.
Completed WOD (7:02)
4 Rounds for time
- 10 Deadlift @125
- 10 Ring pushups
So much for the first week of February, but no reason to keep trying.
Completed WOD
6 Rounds for Time ( 7:50 )
- 5 Snatch @ 65
- 5 Knees to Elbows
Well, the new years resolution is looking pretty grim right now. I haven’t really worked out much at all this month, a work out here or there and the few paleo meals I have managed to consume have come at the heavy cost of burgers and hot dogs for lunch. “Paleo Bill’s” as my boss calls it in jest. But the one nice thing about making a new year resolution, even if you try and fail you don’t have to stop trying, you have a full year to kick yourself in shape.
It starts again today.
Kicking around the idea that some of the elm city CrossFit workouts are just way to tough for me in my current lack of shape, I decided to start at the beginning. September 13, 2009 to be exact. It was the second day that Elm City CrossFit was open. Here the training began for every one.
In the spirit of crossfit, I will no start to record all my workouts times, give myself something to work against.
Kel-len - Kelly and Helen mashed together
Honestly, I changed the workout because I didn’t want to run today. My knee has been feeling strange on squats so running might not be the best idea. But then I started thinking, how knows better then I what I need to get into the shape I want to be in. Every workout I will be doing will have to be modified with a scaled weight or exercise, is this really how I should work out? I am going to try and make my own workouts for a little while. Almost like a test of my understanding of CrossFit.
Getting back into the swing of things I need to make sure I am keeping myself from getting injured. This means stability, this means rings as much as I can get them in. Working up to doing more pushups and actually being able to dips on the rings.
Furthermore, in 2 month I will be running a 10k race, so a major focus of my training for the next 2 month is getting into running shape. That means a focus on legs and core.
4 Rounds for time
- 10 Deadlift @125
- 10 Ring pushups
Well, today there was no cheery disposition egging me on to blow through the soreness. It was a sorry excuse for complete the WOD becaise I cut RX workout from Elm CIty Crossfit from 7 rounds down to 4. Not very happy about it, but there wasn’t a way I was completing that WOD and not hurting myself. Anyways hopefully WOD tomorrow
Completed WOD
- 10 pushups
- 5 Min Squat Hold
- 2 Rounds
- 10 Ring Pushups
- 10 Squats
- 10 Knees to Elbows
4 Rounds For Time (ElmCity RX: 7)
- 10 Press @75
- 10 Pull-ups
- 10 Over Head Plate Sit-ups @25
This is the second time I have WODed with Larissa, and again her cheery disposition made the WOD go by a bit easier, a nice way of sliding back into the swing of things. It was simple but brutal workout, especially since this was my first in almost 2 weeks.
Completed WOD
Well, the lack of posting is actually a sign of slipping off the wagon. a week and a half of poor eating habits and lack of working out.
Tonight that stops again. Even though I don’t have good food to eat right now at work, I will be stopping at a store to pick up items to kook for the next couple of days. On the menu is: Chili Verde. Made by the great people at the Everyday Paleo website.
Time to get back on the wagon, the scale claims I am 210 again. Back to square one.
What is one way to know that your cardiovascular system needs a bit of work? On a hard work out you feel like you are going to puke. Cindy was that hard work out for me. It was only a 10 minute set, yet in the span of those 10 minutes I had to break for 10 – 20 second just so that I don’t blow chunks all over my basement floor.
Well here is to a good hard workout and a sweat angel to prove it
Completed WOD:
3 Rep Max on Front Squat
Cindy: 10 minute AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)
- 5 Pullups
- 10 Pushups
- 15 Air Squats
Food Eaten:
Dinner recipe will be posted in a separate post
And the new year starts with a solid workout and some healthy meals. After reading a bunch of stuff about working out in the mornings or at night, I have come to the conclusion that it apparently doesn’t matter and is a personal preference.
For me the morning workout makes more sense, even though everything in my body tells me to sleep another 30 minutes instead of working my ass off before breakfast. The morning rush of endorphins makes work much easer to get to and gives the day a nice happy hue.
So this morning, being a new year and a fresh start, I got out of bed in time to rock the deadlift strength set. And felt pretty great the rest of the day.
Completed WOD:
10 Deadlifts @ 65
10 Deadlifts @ 95
10 Deadlifts @ 125
10 Deadlifts @ 145
5 Deadlifts @ 185
5 Deadlifts @ 205
5 Deadlifts @ 215
Food Eaten:
The veggies in the breakfast were bit much for the morning and I saved them for lunch. The dinner was mostly scraps of the lamb I cut up for the next couple of days and cleaning out my fridge of food I shouldn’t really be eating. MMhhhhmmm roast beef & pepper jack cheese rapped in Lebanon baloney.
It is that time of the year, tomorrow the gyms will be swamped with new contracts and flabby bodies only to lose their motivations steam and return only in the new year when they again pay for the privilege of feeling like they are trying. It is the yearly cycle filled with good intentions and supported with hot air.
For the past 3 or 4 years I have been playing yo-yo with my body weight with a decline in weight after the new years and an all time high in December. Each year telling myself that this will be the year for lasting change and a strictly followed diet. Well with the first past us, I make the standard statement of healthy foods and workout schedule. Hopefully this will be the year.
Elm City Crossfit has a great post up about new year resolution and the reasons they fail, many of the points being my downfalls as well. But form the 5 points, Lack of COmmitment is by far my biggest problem with fitness, and this blog will hopefully help in in that department.
Today, I put in a pull-up bar and rings into my basement, which I count as my WOD and have eaten mostly healthy today.
Completed WOD:
Holiday Slack Day (Workouts start tomorrow)